ACTPlan-All 4 Session Bundle

The ACTPlan video education program is designed specifically for African American caregivers of individuals with dementia. This comprehensive program consists of four one-hour interactive class sessions. Each session focuses on navigating and making informed, serious treatment decisions for loved ones with dementia, addressing the unique challenges and considerations faced by African American caregivers.

  • ACTPlan-All 4 Session Bundle

    4 videos

    The ACTPlan video education program is designed specifically for African American caregivers of individuals with dementia. This comprehensive program consists of four one-hour interactive class sessions. Each session focuses on navigating and making informed, serious treatment decisions for loved...

  • Session 1: Tube Feeding

    1 video

    In the first video of the ACTPlan series, we introduce the concept of dementia, explaining its stages, symptoms, and impact on daily life. This session provides African American caregivers with crucial information about tube feeding as a treatment option, weighing the pros, such as meeting nutrit...

  • Session 2: Mechanical Ventilation

    1 video

    The second video in the ACTPlan series delves deeper into understanding dementia and examines the critical decision of using mechanical ventilation. This session explains the progression of dementia and its impact on respiratory functions. It discusses the advantages of mechanical ventilation, su...